Wednesday, November 29, 2006

chocolate baabaa~
harlo!! longgggggg time since i posted.
maybe you won't even remember that i posted.
As a guitarian in ahs guitar ensemble.
I shall do my very best (haha) to get suitable ( or maybe even not suitable) candidates into guitar during my three day camp with the freshies!!
im starting to feel kinda old now by the way.

how? im getting older every second.
In no time i will be in that B-E-A-U-tiful chocolate colour coated RECTANGULAR box that is polished till it shines and dazzles. that everyone who looks into that small little window on the cover, they start to tear.

Im 13 now, i still got 71 years more to live!

alrights... ciao!


group 5ive rocks!

kai le :)

YAY (:

Oh man, I haven't used blogger for like dunno how long... wahaha.

Anyway, now commences the HARD CORE GUITAR PRACTICE =D who says Mezza Luna is nicer than Sevilla? And Mr Shi likes to dao 2nd guitar! How can you do that Mr Shi! Our hearts are broken... because we don't know how to play :D everyone must practise hard ok! If we don't get gold next year, I think a lot of us will cry. Don't put pressure on us x( since if we get gold next year, we'll get the Sustained Achievement Award (or whatever), we have to work hard! Bring your guitars home and practise, even if they weigh 392904 kg. Don't be lazy and try not to pon guitar pracs! I got sick, missed 2 practices and had to choing Mezza Luna today. Never mind, I completed it :D

CHALET ROCKED! That is very late I know, haha. Does anyone have pics from the chalet? Post them up here or send them to me and I'll post them. Anything also can. Group 3 rules =D

PRACTICE ON FRIDAY, DON'T FORGET! Wahah, can't wait for orientation on the 29th. One day before my birthday, hints. If you've lost the paper with the practice times, go copy all the dates and times down ok. Next Mon's from 8-5, remember that!

Oh, your VP is at prom now! And the sec 4s! :D HAVE FUN PEOPLE! And I shall go practise. Cya all Fri :)

(if any of your strings break or what, look for me, thank you)
(if I somehow disappeared, look for Xin Hua (: )

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Friday, November 17, 2006

this blog needs some updating

but i have nothing to say

this whole thingy is pink cos i like pink

soooooo.... the sec 4 o levels are over.. yes?

lucky people.

and oh yes...

we are having guitar chalet farewell thingymajiggy next week.. 22, 23,24 november...i think.. yes..

that will be fun.. i hope

and all you seniors, whatever year you graduated, you all must come back and see me okay.

i have nothing to say...

just thought this blog need to be updated...

oh yes..

i shall suggest to our beloved mr shi that we play this song <---- click on the link. damnit

we will ask wei2 to sing the song while we play... and maybe xinlin can dance... yes?

lyrics can be found if you scroll down to the bottom of the page..

good night.


Monday, November 06, 2006
